Zambia Titling Map
Preview the official Titling Map for the National Land Titling Programme!
This map will show areas which have Titles Issued for receipients as well as those that are In Progress.
Preview the official Titling Map for the National Land Titling Programme!
This map will show areas which have Titles Issued for receipients as well as those that are In Progress.
View our current areas page to see if your area is currently or will be upcoming on our Titling schedule!

Holiday Raffle
- 50 Winners to win K5,000 in cash and gifts! We are giving away K250,000 in total!
- The first draw on Nov 24th will include ALL individuals who have made a minimum payment at any time during the programme. All subsequent draws will only be for entries made between November 1 and December 22, 2023.
- To qualify, a land owner must reach the minimum payment amount listed on their offer letter between the dates of Nov 1 and Dec 22.
- 10 Winners will be selected on each raffle day.
- MLG will disburse winnings within 1 month of selection.
- Nationwide contest: applicants may be from anywhere in the country
- Whatsapp us at +260 975 111113 any questions about the Raffle!
* Terms and Conditions Apply
- The first draw on Nov 24th will include ALL individuals who have made a minimum payment at any time during the programme. All subsequent draws will only be for entries made between November 1 and December 22, 2023.
- To qualify, a land owner must reach the minimum payment amount listed on their offer letter between the dates of Nov 1 and Dec 22.
- 10 Winners will be selected on each raffle day.
- MLG will disburse winnings days within 1 month of selection.
- Nationwide contest: applicants may be from anywhere in the country
- Whatsapp us at +260 975 111113 any questions about the Raffle!
* Terms and Conditions Apply

This is a Project. Click here to add a description.

This is a Project. Click here to add a description.

This is a Project. Click here to add a description.

This is a Project. Click here to add a description.
Medici Land Governance (MLG) provides user-friendly, low-cost land titling and administration systems. Our team is comprised of leaders with deep experience in building and delivering quality, resilient technology products and services.
As a public benefit corporation, MLG promotes economic development and full financial inclusion by helping individuals establish formal ownership of their homes and land.

Are you interested in the programme? Would you like to know the steps involved in acquiring your Title Deed?
Pre-educate yourselves on the process to prepare for when MLG is on the ground titling in your area. Click on View Steps button below to find out how to acquire your Title Deed.

Cynthia Phiri
Property Owner Review
"I am happy that I was able to be part of this program. Having a title gives me assurance that the place is mine and that my children can inherit it. It is something that I am proud of as it gives me and my children security. No one can come and claim the house or even encroach on my boundaries. This gives me motivation to even develop my land.”

Mr. Kamanga, Wife and Daughter
Property Owner Review
"For over 8 years, I have lived on this land like a squatter without any legal document but today I am a proud landowner having received my certificate of title... Along the way, I lost a lot of money by giving different organizations that claimed to be able to facilitate the acquisition of a certificate of title"

Cecelia Kangwa
Property Owner Review
"As women, mostly we feel oppressed by men, which hinders us from even suggesting developmental ideas in most homes and community gathering. Luckily in our home, we make decisions together with my husband. At times we do not agree on one thing, but at least I contribute to most decisions we make."

Lasting Impact
Our Partners

Medici is a subcontracted company for Ministry of Lands to conduct the National Land Titling program and facilitate the rapid and low cost issuance of Title Deeds. Technology today is capable of integrating all aspects of land management for governing bodies. MLG supports government in developing a system that will collect, value, report and predict, and secure current and upcoming land administration projects. While assisting those that need it the most, the programme supports its people and communities in gaining secure titles which subsequently supports the government in making decisions that matter for the growth of the land economy.

Learn about the Programme
Listen to the Hot FM’s radio interview with Medici’s CEO Dr. Ali El Husseini to educate yourselves on why this project is so important for you, your family, and the country, and learn about how you can get your Title Deed in this programme.
As of January 2024

As of July 2023